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Month: July 2018

Exercise and Heart Attacks

Exercise Improves Survival After a Heart Attack- Regular aerobic exercise reduces the risk of coronary artery disease and death from heart attack and cardiac arrest. A Copenhagen City Heart Study, found the physically active suffer 25 percent fewer heart attacks. Also more likely to survive if they had a heart attack. The study involved more […]

HIIT vs Volume Training

The Debate Between Volume Training and HIIT The perfect exercise prescription for greater size or strength involves the manipulation of several key variables. Two of the most important being exercise intensity and volume training. Knowing the correct amount of each is critical for promoting the greatest gains in size or strength. However, a well defined […]

Make Sleep a Priority in Your Training

Training and Sleep Only one night of sleep deprivation prevented recovery from high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in competitive cyclists. According to a study at University of Cape Town in South Africa. Rest deprived cyclists showed decreases in power output. While sleepier and lacked motivation to train. Adequate sleep is essential for muscle recovery and restoration. […]

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